What took so long? This episode deals with Food and the Jewish focus on what’s important. It’s seen through the eyes of those who lived through the Holocaust. Then you learn the happy secret of how one love affair ended happily...because of a brisket.
Kish Mir In Yiddish!, or "the Yiddish podcast" as my friends call it, is a labor of love. The overall concept and poetry are Sol Awend creations. (Schloymeh D'Voyle)
Please visit the website and message Sol if you know someone who should be a guest on the show.
Share the Kish Mir In Yiddish! podcast with your friends - https://TheYiddishPodcast.com
Music - https://tinyurl.com/AlexGrohlMusic
Produced by the Niche Podcast Network: https://nichepodcast.net
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on YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/kishmirinyiddishYT
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