If you have this question... meet the Valera Screens Performer. It's an expandable green-screen background for video recording.
What's The Best Podcast Background?
If you have this question... meet the Valera Screens Performer. (Greenscreen)
(On Amazon : https://amzn.to/3IOQYBF ) 💳
(On B&H Photo : https://bhpho.to/3TyNp7R ) 💳
(Black Backdrop Separately : https://amzn.to/4anxTCv ) 💳
It's an expandable #greenscreen background for #video #podcasting - But, you can use it for plain-black, etc. I'll show you how.
But, you can use it for plain-black, etc. I'll show you how.
At B&H: https://bhpho.to/3TyNp7R
On Amazon: https://amzn.to/3IOQYBF
Add Black Backdrop: https://amzn.to/4anxTCv
Turn Your Podcast into a Website
Auphonic AI Audio Editor
Tom (00:05.78)
What we have here is a Valera Screens Performer Model expandable background. And this is a green screen version. I do a fair amount of chroma key or green screen recording so that I can put instructional information or video behind me. Or I'll use it on the occasional podcast. My clients struggle like hell to get their podcast studio set up so it can be consistent. Or so that they can record anywhere.
and it can be consistent. So this is a great mobile, it probably is 30 pounds, but it's big, it's green screen, and it actually gives you flexibility beyond that, which I'll show you in a second. Here's how it works.
Tom (00:56.98)
Now my camera's framed poorly, but I wanted you to see the whole product. But you could see if I was closer to the camera and this screen was closer to the camera, I've got a full green screen background, all I need is proper lighting. Now, for a muted, standard business -like background for recording, something non -distracting, you can drape anything over this. Black, blue, a frickin' Grateful Dead tapestry if you want. I wouldn't recommend it, it's probably trademarked.
Here's how easy that is.
Tom (01:36.98)
Now, you might want to do this before you put it all the way to the top of its stand.
Tom (02:01.492)
Tom (02:09.652)
Okay, so none of that was rocket science. And now I've got a muted, professional, consistent screen that isn't that wacky green. And so when it's all zoomed in, all you see is plain black background behind me. But again, I just wanted you to see it's just a dude throwing a standard black muslin background over whatever.
But that stand is great. There's a link to it below. It's the Valera Performer. It expands pretty wide. I want to say this does 80, 85 inches. For under $300 including a backup background, you can't beat it.
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